The concept of targeted protection of the population? Ensuring the socialization of the strata of the population in need of support through the introduction of a professional social protection system, ensuring social protection at the mahalla level through an individual approach to the population in a difficult life situation.
What benefits do people with disabilities have to restore their health? The population with disabilities of group I-II has the right to receive preferential, qualified and free medical care in medical institutions of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan and private medical hospitals that have an agreement with the Health Insurance Fund.
Where is the first place to apply for disability registration? To register a disability group, first of all, a citizen should contact a primary health care institution belonging to the microdistrict in which he lives and prepare primary documents
What kind of assistance is provided by rehabilitation and social adaptation centers for persons released from places of execution of sentences? To organize and provide social protection for persons released from places of deprivation of liberty, to meet their primary needs by providing one-time allowances for clothing, food and accommodation in an appropriate manner.
Who has the right to apply to the Sakhovat boarding houses? The right to apply are lonely elderly people permanently residing in the Republic of Uzbekistan, who do not have relatives or other persons obliged to take care of them in accordance with Article 57 of the Family Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, persons with disabilities of groups I and II from the age of 18, as well as elderly people living alone with group I disabilities who need outside care.
Are there any contraindications for admission to boarding houses "Sakhovat"? Contraindications for admission to boarding schools:
epilepsy, in which seizures often occur, a tendency to regular seizures, epileptic status, lethargy by the end of the day, dysphoria;
mental disorders accompanied by gross violations of inclinations and moral rudeness, dangerous for the patient and others;
tuberculosis in the active phase of the process;
infectious diseases of the skin and hair;
acute infectious diseases;
tumor diseases and relapses occurring in an unfavorable process, in poor condition;
venereal diseases.