Inson Social Service Centers
From October 15, 2023, a new system of social services and assistance provided by the Human social service centers and groups of social workers of the National Agency for Social Protection under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan will be introduced as an experiment in 28 districts (cities).
As part of the provision of social services, the main tasks of the social service center “Inson”:
creation of comprehensive social services and support at the district level based on an individual approach to individuals and families who find themselves in a difficult life situation or are at risk;
organization of home-based care and support, rehabilitation, habilitation and sanatorium-wellness services for elderly people living alone or alone and persons with disabilities in need of care for others, professional service systems based on nursing homes and other institutions;
provision of prosthetic and orthopedic devices and technical means of rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, organization of providing them with high-quality rehabilitation and psychosocial services;
work with people who have been persecuted and abused, as well as social and psychological services for women, the elderly and minors who have been persecuted.
Social Inspection
Center for Training of Social Protection workers
Under Presidential Decree No. PD-82 of 1 June 2023 on comprehensive measures to provide quality social assistance and assistance to the population and to establish an effective system of control, the Center for Training of Social Protection workers (hereinafter referred to as the Center) was established under the National Agency for Social Protection (hereinafter referred to as the Agency).
Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 30 September 2023 on the organization of the activities of the Institute for the Development of Social Protection and the Center for the Further Training of Social Protection Workers under the National Agency for Social Protection under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
In accordance with Government Decision No. 518 on State support measures, the activities of the center and the institute were established.
The center is a State institution for the organization of training courses for foster parents to improve the qualifications of staff of ministries and departments in coordinated and supervised areas of activity and for the organization of family children’s homes.
The Institute is a state institution for conducting scientific research in the field of social protection, analyzing the root causes of the need for social protection, and developing scientifically based effective and promising proposals for improving the social protection system.
From April 1, 2024, the center will:
mandatory professional development courses for employees of ministries and departments in the areas of activity coordinated and controlled by the agency at least once every three years with contractual payment;
training courses for foster parents for the organization of family children’s homes;
The main tasks of the center include:
Periodic professional development of social workers belonging to the groups of social workers of social service centers “Inson”;
Teaching knowledge and skills to employees of social services and services of ministries and departments coordinated and supervised by the agency at mandatory refresher courses on a paid basis every three years;
Organizing training courses for foster parents to organize family children’s homes;
In the agency and organizations of its system, higher educational institutions organize internships for bachelor’s and master’s degree graduates;
Organizes, on a contractual basis, courses aimed at improving the qualifications and skills of employees of other ministries and departments in the field of education “social work”.
Republican rehabilitation center for victims of human trafficking
Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 28, 2023 No. PF-27 “On the state program for the implementation of the new development strategy of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 in the ”Year of human attention and quality education”
Paragraph 205 provides for the organization of rehabilitation centers with 10 beds in Kashkadarya, Bukhara and Namangan regions to provide assistance to victims of human trafficking until December 2023.
Republican Center for Rehabilitation and Adaptation of Women
To protect women from harassment and violence and improve work in the field of rehabilitation and adaptation of female victims and suicide prevention, a total of 7 documents have been adopted, including 2 Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Nos. UP-561 and 562), 2 Presidential Decrees of the Republic of Uzbekistan (PF-81 and PF-82), 87) and 2 resolutions (PK-5116 and 146), 1 resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers (VMK-625).
On the basis of Resolution No. PP-5116 of May 19 ”On joint measures for the rehabilitation of victims of violence”, the Republican Center for the Rehabilitation and Adaptation of Women was established.
In total, 63 staff units of the centers have been identified, of which: the Republican Center-7, territorial divisions-14
From 3 and 14 model inter-district centers, 1 staff was allocated.
On March 1, 2022, resolutions PF-81 were adopted, on March 7, 2022, PF-87, PK-146, the Republican Center for Rehabilitation and Adaptation of Women was transferred to the system of the State Committee for Family and Women’s Affairs.
For reference: in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 1, 2023 No. PD-82 “On comprehensive measures to provide quality social assistance and assistance to the population and establish an effective control system”, it was transferred to the jurisdiction of the National Agency for Social Protection under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The main goal is to provide emergency medical, psychological, social, pedagogical, legal and other assistance anonymously to women who have suffered from harassment and violence, committed suicide or have suicidal tendencies.
For 8 months of 2023, 1,304 women (700) and their children (604) were placed in the territorial offices of the Republican Center for the Rehabilitation and Adaptation of Women.
In addition, there is a hotline 1146 “at the rehabilitation center. The hotline was established in 2018 with the aim of providing psychological, legal and medical assistance to women and girls who have been victims of violence to help them get out of a difficult situation.
For reference: in 2022, the hotline was transferred to the Republican Center for Rehabilitation and Adaptation of Women.
The total number of those who applied to the territorial offices of the Republican Center for Rehabilitation and Adaptation of Women and by the helpline 1146 this year: 10 thousand 927, of which 10 thousand 696 (97.9%) women, 70 (0.6%) girls under 18 and 161 (1.5%) men applied.
Of these, 2,709 (24.8 percent) are subjected to physical violence, 114 (1.1 percent) to sexual violence, 4,642 (42.5 percent) to mental violence, 1,062 (9.7 percent) to economic violence and 2,400 (22 percent) to other issues.
For reference: by region: Republic of Karakalpakstan 793 people (7.3%), Andijan region 827 people (7.6%), Bukhara region 825 people (7.6%), Jizzakh region 979 people (9%), Navoi region 985 people (9%), Namangan region 663 people (6.1%), Samarkand region 642 people (5.9%), Surkhandarya region 899 people (14.1%), Syrdarya region 549 people (5%), Tashkent city 1046 people (9.6%), Ferghana region 925 people (8.5%), Kashkadarya region 780 people (7.1 %), Khorezm region 628 people (5.7%) % ), Tashkent 386 (3.5%) appeals.
By places of violence:
7 thousand 362 people (67.4%) are subjected to domestic violence
5,535 cases of violence between husband and wife, 1,363 cases of violence between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law (groom) and 464 cases of violence between parents and children.
76 cases of workplace violence (1 percent)
53 between employer and employee, 12 between mutual employees, 11 from a higher organization.
737 in a public place (6.7 percent)
Violence among neighbors 356, violence on the territory of the district 298, violence on the territory of the office (organization) 65, violence on the territory of another state 18.
459 people (4.2 percent) were abused elsewhere.