Accreditation procedure
Accreditation procedure
According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 23, 2006 “On improving the procedure for accreditation of representatives of the mass media of the Republic of Uzbekistan to state authorities” under No. 243, the agency carries out organizational work on accreditation of correspondents. Mass media wishing to accredit their correspondents in the system of the National Agency for Social Protection, submit an application in accordance with the procedure established in this Resolution, where the following should be indicated:
Name and type of media;
distribution area;
email address;
phone and fax numbers of the editorial office;
surname, first name and patronymic of the correspondent submitted for accreditation;
the equipment that this correspondent must have with him to perform his professional duties, as well as a certificate containing detailed information (official position, passport data, copies of the correspondent’s diploma, e-mail address, telephone and fax number) and four photographs of the prescribed form.
The submitted application is considered in accordance with the established procedure by the expert group of the Accreditation Commission.
According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 23, 2006 “On improving the procedure for accreditation of representatives of the mass media of the Republic of Uzbekistan to state authorities” under No. 243, the agency carries out organizational work on accreditation of correspondents. Mass media wishing to accredit their correspondents in the system of the National Agency for Social Protection, submit an application in accordance with the procedure established in this Resolution, where the following should be indicated:
- Name and type of media;
- Specialization;
- Distribution area;
- Email address;
- Phone and fax numbers of the editorial office;
- Surname, first name and patronymic of the correspondent submitted for accreditation;
- The equipment that this correspondent must have with him to perform his professional duties, as well as a certificate containing detailed information (official position, passport data, copies of the correspondent’s diploma, e-mail address, telephone and fax number) and four photographs of the prescribed form.
The submitted application is considered in accordance with the established procedure by the expert group of the Accreditation Commission.
“Regulation on improving the procedure for accreditation of representatives of the mass media of the Republic of Uzbekistan to state authorities”