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    Projects and programs

    Deaf Society of Uzbekistan

    Name of NNO:

    Project Name:

    Equipping families with hearing and speech impairments with special vibration equipment to ensure the well-being of their lives


    There are currently 27,000 people with hearing and speech impairments.

    In foreign countries, many modern hearing aids, special wristwatches, special alarm clocks are produced in order to create more favorable conditions in the lives of people with hearing and speech impairments. To date, more than 100 applications have been received from young people with hearing and speech impairments and their parents for the purchase of special modern hearing aids. If families with hearing and speech impairments are provided with special hearing aids, it will allow them to live a comfortable life without any barriers.


    In the Parkent district of Tashkent province, there are families with hearing and speech impairments. When talking to them, it was discovered that the watches that emit this vibration were much more necessary and helped them to recognize the sound of newborns when they were disturbed.

    Due to the high need for special watches not only in the Tashkent region, but also in the rest of the Republic, the welfare of their lives was initially improved by distributing 100 special watches free of charge.

    Estimated Costs:

    1Special vibrating clock1002 500 000250 000 000

    Organization requisites:

    R/s 2021 2000 0001 2275 3001

    AKIB “Ipoteka Bank” Shaykhontukhursky district branch

    МFО 00425

    INN 201 099 116

    OKED 94990

    Developed by Neotech