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    Video Clip "Mom, Shall We Play?" Dedicated to June 1st - International Children's Day

    1 June, 2024


    In Uzbekistan, as in the rest of the world, June 1st is widely celebrated as International Children’s Day.

    Over the past year, the National Agency for Social Protection has encountered numerous cases of deviant behavior among children, runaways, and has studied the problem of rising juvenile delinquency. Analysis has shown that the primary causes of these negative phenomena are often a lack of proper attention from parents, rejection within the family, abuse, family conflicts, and total control over the child, depriving them of personal space.

    In this regard, the First Deputy Director of the National Agency for Social Protection, Shahnoza Mirziyoeva, who oversees issues of social protection, ensuring the rights and interests of children, initiated a social video clip on the relevant topic of parent-child relationships. It is well known that traumatic parent-child relationships lead to far-reaching negative consequences and can significantly impact the future life of the child.

    The video clip once again draws adults’ attention to the necessity of unconditional love, understanding, respect for children’s interests, and care for them. It reminds us that home should be the safest place for a child, where they are loved and accepted as they are.

    The poem “Mom, Shall We Play?” forming the basis of the video clip, was written by poet Malvina Matrasova. The Russian-language version of the video clip was created by Maria Matveychuk, who herself reads the poem in the role of the mother. The role of the little girl reciting the poem is performed by Melia Alizade.

    For the creation of the Uzbek-language version of this social video clip, poets Madina Maksumova and Feruza Khayrullaeva were involved. The poem was read by the talented Dildora Rustamova, a journalist, dubbing actress, and honored cultural worker of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the young and talented actress Malika Sobirjonova.

    The National Agency for Social Protection sincerely thanks everyone who participated in the creation of this social project and urges adults to give attention and care to children every day.

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