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    The supremacy of law is the inevitability of punishment

    18 March, 2024


    Despite the difficulty in believing what transpired on March 15th in Samarkand, we must understand that solving any problem begins with acknowledging it. A teenager, forcibly chained, is receiving necessary assistance from qualified psychologists, and his health is currently not in danger. Criminal proceedings have been initiated against the offender under Article 138 (Forceful Illegal Deprivation of Liberty), with investigative actions underway.

    The event, which shocked the public, demonstrated that measures taken to eliminate instances of violence against children are still insufficient. Moreover, it is disheartening that this crime was committed during the holy month of Ramadan, which is sacred to us all.

    We will continue to strive towards fostering an uncompromising attitude in our society against any forms of violence towards children, to ensure that no teenager will face such a situation again. I believe it is essential to express my sincere gratitude at this time to those vigilant and compassionate members of the public who promptly reported the incident of violent deprivation of liberty to the law enforcement agencies and assisted in revealing this crime. By their efforts, more dangerous violent actions against the teenager were prevented.

    The situation in Samarkand is under the control of the National Agency for Social Protection. However, our actions will extend beyond mere statements. We are committed to ensuring that the teenager receives comprehensive rehabilitation and recovery support, alongside facilitating conditions conducive to his education and living environment. Regardless of who is the offender, I assure that the principle of the inevitability of punishment will be upheld.

    Shakhnoza Mirziyoeva

    First Deputy Director of the National Agency for Social Protection

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