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    The National agency of social protection announces a state social procurement aimed at promoting employment opportunities for people with disabilities

    10 February, 2024


    Organizer: National Agency for Social Protection under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

    Address: Tashkent, Mirabad district, Yangizamon 1, (

    Description of the state social orderDeadlineFinancingFunds allocated
    1.Priority direction: ensuring employment of persons with disabilities in Tashkent. Goal: Ensure employment of persons with disabilities, help them adapt to the workplace, thereby supporting their ability to lead an independent life in society. Responsibilities: Identifying unemployed people with disabilities, generating information about them online, searching for available vacancies for people with disabilities. Employment of 300 persons with disabilities in Tashkent in 12 months. Raising awareness among employers about the labor rights of workers with disabilities. Systematic monitoring of employed persons with disabilities to determine whether they are in an employment relationship.12 monthsState Social Protection Fund of the National Agency for Social Protection480 million soums

    Conditions for the implementation of the state social order:

    – the executive organization (applicant) must undergo state registration as a non-governmental non-profit organization in the prescribed manner;

    – compliance of the activities carried out within the framework of the state social order with the tasks provided for by the charter of the non-governmental non-profit organization;

    – availability of personnel and technical potential of a non-governmental non-profit organization for the implementation of the project;

    – experience in the successful implementation of socially significant projects and programs by a non-governmental non-profit organization;

    – high-quality and timely execution of the contract for the implementation of the project, ensuring openness and transparency in the targeted use of funds allocated during its implementation, full compliance with current legislation.

    Necessary documents for registration of social order:

    –  response letter certified by the signature and seal of the head of the non-governmental non-profit organization that submitted the application;

    – application for a state social order, filled out according to the attached form;

    – copy of the charter (regulations) of a registered state non-governmental non-profit organization with all changes and additions;

    – copy of the certificate confirming the state registration of the organization;

    – if a licensed activity is required to implement the project, a copy of the license is provided.

    Documents will be accepted from February 12 to March 12, 2024.

    Submitted projects are reviewed and decided by the Public Council under the National Agency for Social Protection based on the relevant evaluation criteria, and the winner will be announced on the Agency’s official website and social media pages.

    Documents are accepted in the name of the National Social Protection Agency through the Uzbekistan Post in a sealed envelope (A4 format) at the following address: 100105, Tashkent city, Mirabad district, Yangizamon 3rd passage, building 1 or

    The procedure for issuing state social orders is regulated by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 135 of February 22, 2018 ( and other regulatory documents.

    Contacts: (71) 239-59-24, (71) 239-59-53.

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