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    The National Agency for Social Protection is expanding international cooperation with the USA

    23 April, 2024


    On April 23, 2024, a meeting was held at the National Agency for Social Protection with representatives of the delegation led by Adams Stewart, the President of the Senate of the State of Utah, and Miles Hansen, the President of the Stirling Foundation.

    At the meeting, the aim was to improve the quality of life of citizens in difficult life situations, to improve the services provided to persons with disabilities, to establish bilateral cooperation in the field of social protection of the population between the state and civil organizations of Utah. opportunities to expand cooperation and future plans aimed at sharing experience and improving the skills of system employees were discussed.

    At the end of the meeting, the American side expressed its readiness to participate in projects aimed at supporting the social protection system in Uzbekistan, and the parties agreed to develop long-term cooperative relations.

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